Cara Menambah Widget Color Picker di Blog

If you want to add this chart into your blog, you can follow the steps

Installation as usual
1. Log in to your blogger account
2. Go to Design>>>Page Elements>>>Add Gadget
3. Choose "HTML/Java Script"
4. Copy the code below, and paste in the place

<script src=";up_save=1&amp;up_rgb=255%7C255%7C255&amp;up_basergb=255%7C0%7C0&amp;up_hex=FFFFFF&amp;up_indicator=0%7C0&amp;up_slider=0&amp;up_lastvalues=0%7C0&amp;synd=open&amp;w=325&amp;h=210&amp;title=HTML%2FJava+Script+Color+Picker&amp;;output=js"></script>

5. Save it

If you want to modify the border, width, and length, you can go here

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